

"I'll keep on living, even with the pain."

One of the eldest amongst the group in Ericson Boarding School, Eilonwy is a soft and gentle individual. She was a member of the Soujutsu club back in her elite school, and her combat skills has proven to be a strong asset for the group. She spend most of her time doing housekeeping for the school.

Full name: Eilonwy Evergrandé
Gender: Female
Age: Late teen (20 years old)
Hair color: Ashen blonde
Occupation: Student (pre-apocalypse), Ericson's Boarding School's hunter, medic and acting counselor.
Status: Alive (determinant)
Ethnicity: Caucasian-British

Eilonwy is an twenty-year-old girl with flowing blonde hair and a delicate figure. Eilonwy is portrayed as plucky, smart and talkative, as shown by her tendency to go off into rants at Mitch for seemingly trivial reasons.

Despite her naturally strong-willed personality, she can be affectionate and emotional, as shown by her anxiety when the others went out on a hunt and her genuine sadness when the group is starting to tear apart. Eilonwy is kind-hearted and gentle; almost never gets mad. She always forgives and forget, moving on. However, she has a reason to suppress her anger.

It is later revealed that Eilonwy is emotionally-stunted due to her traumatic past of her time with her parents and her time in the elite-school. She considers herself as a coward; having the lack of strength and inability to stand up for herself and being pushed around. This eventually taught her an important lesson about asserting her true feelings, confronting bullies and why they should be stopped instead of ignored, and refusing to accept abuse. However, she is actually very determined and loyal, being able to endure the bullying and punishments. In this regard, she can be viewed as strong. She seemed caring and thoughtful of the others. Even when the other students in the elite-school bullied her, she wouldn't retaliate. She never bears any ill will towards anyone - she instead puts on an adult, mature, emotionally repressed front in order to cope with her fears and trauma.

In the end after Mitch's death, she eventually finds the courage to stand up for herself when confronted with Lilly.

Despite her combat abilities, Eilonwy has a generally pacifistic personality, she states that, in spite of all they've been through, she still hasn't gotten used to killing in order to survive, and she hopes she never will.


Eilonwy is the only child in the Evergrandé family, one of those rich and influential ones in Britain. Her mother named her Eilonwy, as she took an inspiration from an underrated Disney Princess, Princess Eilonwy from The Black Cauldron. Being so, she is raised in a very strict manner, well-disciplined and receives vast education. She was first sent to an elite school, learnt everything that is needed to be the most perfect student. She was raised to be better than anyone, thus, it made the other students to bully and shunned her away.

Wanting to live like a normal girl, this stressed the child -- to the extent that she started revolting against her parents and behaved poorly. When she assaulted another kid in school who bullied her, she was suspended. She pleaded her parents to help defend her, but it didn't turn out what she wanted, her parents sent her away to a boarding school in America, hoping that it would fix her straight.

She enrolled in Ericson's Boarding School for Troubled Youths, and spent most of her life there. She made friends almost very quickly, and loves the environment compared to the elite school she once attended. In Ericsons', she behaves well and is one of the top students in school -- this has made everyone wondered why did she end up in a school for troubled youths.

Eilonwy was picked on once in awhile by the boys, like Marlon and Mitch, teasing her of her accent and her large breast size.

She became teachers favourite, and is admired by all.

As time goes by, and her graduation would soon come close, she was concerned that she would have to leave the school, which she was reluctant to as she has grown attached to the people around.


During the early days of the outbreak, all the adults at the school left Eilonwy and the rest of the students behind, which shocked her that the adults would be so selfish to do so. She stated that this very action reminded her of her parents who sent her away and never bothered about her well-being.



Mitch: "What's a girl like you knows about swords, anyway?"
Eilonwy: "Girl? GIRL?! If it wasn't for this 'GIRL', you wouldn't have to repeat a grade!"
—Mitch and Eilonwy bickering.

Eilonwy and Mitch had a rocky relationship during their early years as Mitch often picked on her for having a British accent and the size of her breasts. He often ask Eilonwy to help with his homework, only to leave her doing everything for him. Once, during the English period, Eilonwy was picked to play as the princess and Mitch was picked to play as her knight. Though he seemed to be disgusted and reluctant, he still did for the grades and that's when Eilonwy started to have a crush on him.

As the two started to grow, both of them started being comfortable with each other and Mitch has ceased picking on her. The two were often paired up in a group during Chemistry class. Sometime they would bicker, but both of them reconcile pretty quickly. The two remained as good friends throughout the years, and her feelings for Mitch were completely one-sided.

She would ask him to make a spear for her now and then, even teaching him some soujutsu skills. He calls her 'princess' once in awhile.


"I'll fulfill our promise. Just you watch, Brody."
—Eilonwy vowed before Brody's grave.

Brody shares the same dorm with Eilonwy, making the two close with each other. She loved how Brody is an optimistic and naive, being able to fantasize or think positively, saying that it will help her with the horrors of the apocalypse.

Eilonwy and Brody made a promise with each other that after the world has restored, they would go on a road-trip to the beach. Eilonwy is broken-hearted after Brody's death, but she promised that she will live on to fulfill their promise together.


"I know he made a mistake. Not everyone is perfect, so we forgive and forget."
—Eilonwy after Marlon's burial.

As the leader of the group, Eilonwy supports and respected Marlon as much as the others. Though she's the eldest, she felt Marlon fits the role better than her.
However when it's revealed that Marlon traded Sophie and Minerva, Eilonwy was shocked of the truth -- and forgives him later as he explained that he did it to protect the school and even wanted to stage a rescue.

Eilonwy did mourn for his death and Brody as well. She claims that his death was unexpected, and even knowing what he did to Brody and the twins, she understands that Marlon probably didn't even mean it and wants the best for everyone -- which Violet disagree.


"I used to be in the Arts and Music club with him. He deserves an Oscar for acting trying not to break apart."
—Eilonwy talking about Louis.

The two used to be in the Arts and Music club together in pre-apocalypse. Louis is a good friend to Eilonwy, the two being paired as 'the cheerful ones' in the group. She sees him a younger brother figure and often gives him advice.

Eilonwy shares some of her secrets to Louis, and he knew of her crush on Mitch -- which leads him trying to play cupid for the two.
Eilonwy sometimes would scold him for not taking his duties seriously, but she meant well. Louis often teased that Eilonwy had been always babying the others, and gives off the 'mom' vibe sometimes.

She calls him 'Lou' most of the time.


"It's been hard for Violet eversince Minnie is away. So, I can understand why she's being a tad mean. I don't mind it."
—Eilonwy talking about Violet to Clementine.

Eilonwy and Violet were in good terms back then. But after Sophie and Minnie were away, Violet changed, causing a rift between the two. Eilonwy had tried to strike up a conversation several times with Violet in attempt to make her feel better, but mostly ended up being shot down real quick. Eilonwy didn't mind it though, as she understand that Violet is going through a tough time with her best friend gone.

[More to be added!]